02版 數(shù)字 超八成網(wǎng)友認為慈善捐款應(yīng)設(shè)“后悔期” Survey: 86% of People Suggest ‘Cooling-Off Period’ Necessary for Donation Critics suggest that, when struggling to recover from the trust crisis, a “cooling-off” period, orignally applied to the insurance industry, could also be used in charitable donations in China. As the result of “Philanthropic Survey”, a high ration of 86.17% of the respondents are in favor of this suggestion.
03版 新聞 民政部開通政務(wù)微博“@民政微語” Ministry of Civil Affairs Opens Weibo Accounts In June 27, the Ministry of Civil Affairs open its Weibo accounts on Sina and Tencent platforms. These accounts, both named “@民政微語” (translated as “CivilAffairMicroWords”), will mainly publish information on civil affairs works and public concerns.
05-06版 新聞 財政罰沒流向公益領(lǐng)域,是否可??? Can We Donate Financial Penalties to Charities? According to Der Spiegel magazine, a crematorium in Germany has fired an employee for amassing a kilogram of gold teeth and fillings that he sifted from the ashes. The materials will then be sent to a recycling company and the proceeds donated to charity. In China, is it also applicable to donate financial penalties to charites? We invite a couple of experts to debate on this issue.
07版 新聞 誰“綁架”了公益性崗位?
Who Kidnaps ‘Posts of Public Walfare’? In response to the recent incident in which a water vendor in old age was brutally abused by 3 persons who were suspected to be chengguan, or urban management officers, the local department in charge claimed that these people were workers from “post of public walfare”. While this explanation is not accepted by the public, China Philanthropy Times tries to look into the definition of “post of public walfare” as well as its empolyment status.
08-09版 封面報道 兩個小生命背后的社會工作現(xiàn)狀反思 How Nanjing Girls’ Death Reflects on Social Works A positive intervention by social workers could have possibly prevent the two girls in Nanjing from death. How could we build up a social work network in a real sense?
13版 國際 揭秘“真象”的大象語者 Joyce Poole on Elephant Protection Joyce Poole, a world authority on elephants, has warned that Chinese demand for ivory is driving the worst poaching in history. She said, however, “China could be remembered for saving the elephants.”
16版 公益第一訪談 專訪萬通投資控股股份有限公司董事長
馮侖:做公益不是威逼利誘 Feng Lun: Charitable Deeds Are Not Done Between Sticks and Carrots As an ideologist and innovator, Feng Lun, the famous thinker in Chinese real estate sector, who has launched and participated in 8 non-profit charities, reveals us how to collaborate with goverments in chariable actions.